What is Skin Cycling?

Skin cycle is generally suitable for most skin types and mainly aims to give our skin a break and recovery time like the rest of our body.

Skin cycling is a four-night skincare routine After two nights of treatments with active ingredients, you rest your skin for two nights and then repeat all these steps. You get all the benefits from your skin care products without creating completely avoidable issues like redness and irritation by following a skin cycle routine

Things You Can Do to Support the Skin Cycle

After following a simple daytime routine for your skin, cleanse your skin in the evening. Then apply it to the skin cycle routine as follows:

Skin Cycle Steps

The skin cycle consists of a 4-day skin care. On the 5th day, the cycle continues, starting with the applications on the 1st day.

1st Night Peeling

The first step of the skin cycle is peeling with products suitable for your skin. While products containing water-soluble Alpha Hydroxy Acid are good for most skin types, chemical peels are better for acne-prone skin. After peeling, apply moisturizer. Even if you have acne or oily skin, you should definitely moisturize your skin.

2nd Night Retinol

You can apply retinol or retinoid products after cleansing to remove dark spots and skin tone differences on the skin. The difference between retinoid and retinol is that retinoids are stronger and retinol needs to be converted by our body into the active ingredient called retinoic acid.

If you are just starting the skin cycle, it is better to opt for retinol products as they are weaker and can help prevent skin irritation. The next step after applying retinol is to apply moisturizer again.

3rd and 4th Nights: Rest Your Skin

The two nights after exfoliation and application of retinoids are the resting steps of the skin cycle. This is the skin care step in any care for your skin where you allow any potential irritation from previous steps to heal.

5th Day: Restart on Day

As mentioned at the beginning of our article, the skin care cycle is a 4-day care. Day 5 is the beginning of the cycle.

We Return to the begining of Our Sking Cycling Routine

The applications made on the first day take place on the 5th day and the skin care steps continue in the same way.

Make sure that the skin care products you use in each skin cycle are the same. You should not use different products from each other when each cycle starts.


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